On 14 June 2013 a complete set of tender documents for the supply of 6 new electric traction units have been sent for assessment by the Intermediate Body – Implementing Authority for European Programmes.

The tender documents verified and modified by the Intermediate Body shall be transferred then to the Swiss party to perform their final review. The announcement of procedures for awarding public order for the supply of new vehicles will take place once the approval by the Swiss party is obtained. The planned date to start the tender procedure is the end of the third quarter of 2013.

On 24 January 2013 a celebration of the 85th anniversary of the start of passenger carriages on the Warszawa – Grodzisk Mazowiecki WCR lines took place. The anniversary of the line opening was on 11 December 2012. After the welcoming all gathered people and occasional speeches by invited guests there was a film describing the set up and development of the Warsaw Commuter Rail, concluding with the investment priorities planned for the very near future. Among the current priorities, the most important is the project executed with the cooperation of the Swiss-Polish Cooperation Programme. Under this project by the end of 2015 the WCR line shall be equipped with a modern Passenger Information and Monitoring System while the rolling stock fleet will be supplemented with 6 new vehicles.

The Warsaw Commuter Rail Project was launched to be co-financed within the framework of the Swiss-Polish Co-operation Programme. The Swiss financial contribution in the amount of over PLN 57.8 million has been allocated to the capital expenditures on new trains and implementation of the state-of-the-art monitoring and passenger information system for all of the halts along the WCR lines. The Project total value amounts to PLN 124.7 million and the Project implementation process will have been completed by June-end 2016.

Quick Contact

Warsaw Commuter Railway Sp. z o.o.
TEL. (22) 755-55-64
FAX (22) 755-20-85

Useful Links

Szwajcarsko-Polski Program Współpracy

Ministerstwo Infrastruktury i Rozwoju

Centrum Projektów Polska Cyfrowa